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Friday, February 18, 2011

Tired of the pain...

...but at least now I know what the cause is. Found out the end of December that I have Fibromyalgia. The past two days have been the worst so far.
Hopefully today will be better so I can get out and enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine and warm air that Heavenly Father has provided for us for at least today.
It's supposed to get colder tonight and snow again.
Really can't wait to get back to Florida. I just wish it wasn't taking so long for my SS hearing.
I'm getting so frustrated by the entire situation.

Dakoda enjoyed showing off his tumbling skills for Nana and Papa on Sept. 18, 2010. That was until big brother tried taking over all the attention!
He is such a ham and we enjoy the time we can spend with him and his big sister and brother.